Online registration is open on Parent Portal for returning students. This is required before HS students pick up their laptops in July (week of 7/19). If you need assistance with registration or have any questions, please join us in the GCHS library Thurs., 6/24, or Tues., 6/29, 12-7 PM. Bring 2 proofs of residency as well.
Just a reminder that high school volleyball tryouts are Thursday, June 10th, from 6-7:30 in the main gym.
Job Opportunities ~ Working at GCSSD is exciting & rewarding! For the latest job opportunities go to (Use Google Chrome) Equal Employment Opportunity
Job Opportunities ~ Working at GCSSD is exciting & rewarding! For the latest job opportunities go to (Use Google Chrome) Equal Employment Opportunity
GCHS is seeking to hire effective teachers in the following subject areas: Chemistry, Math, and Spanish. Interested & qualified candidates can apply here: Inquiries can contact the principal, Mr. Hughes, at
GCSSD is happy to report that we have been selected to participate in the Second Harvest Summer Backpack Feeding Program. This grant is funded by the “Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation” and will provide free breakfast and lunch daily this summer beginning Tuesday, June 1 through Monday, June 28, 2021. Food will be sent home with eligible students attending the Summer Learning Camp or may be picked up with food from the cafeteria at Dyer School or South Gibson County Elementary School (SGCES). Food will also be available for pick-up at Dyer School and SGCES on June 21st from 1:30—2:30 by families associated with any school in GCSSD.
Click here to view the menu:
We were informed this morning by TDOE that we will not be receiving all 3-8 and EOC TNReady scores until June 10. We are required to count TNReady scores if they are returned within 5 business days of the last day of school. Since the state did not meet this deadline, we are not required to count the test scores in the overall student average. We recognize the need to finalize student grades. Therefore, we will not count spring TNReady scores. This will allow teachers to finalize grades at this time. Report cards will be finalized by June 3.
UTM is offering FREE ACT Prep for all upcoming juniors & seniors via virtual workshops, mastery classes, & "office hours." These are offered throughout the summer & fall. Get more info. & register here:
Save the date, Class of 2025! Freshmen Orientation will be held on Tues., 7/27, at GCHS starting at 6 PM.
NEW Student Registration for the 2021-2022 school year will be held Wed., 7/14, 12 - 7 PM, and Thurs., 7/15, 8 AM - 12 PM. This includes any student who didn't attend GCSSD last year. This doesn't include upcoming 9th graders who attended GCSSD last year.
RETURNING Student Registration will be available at the end of June. This includes upcoming freshmen. Registration assistance will be available in the GCHS library Thurs., 6/24, and Tues., 6/29, 12 - 7 PM.
Congratulations to our Boys Soccer team on their State Tournament game! Proud of all your accomplishments in this record setting season!
Please view the video below and provide feedback about the direction GCSSD plans to go with utilizing funding from ESSER 3.0. Feedback survey is open until June 22, 2021.
Link to video:
Link to feedback survey:
Congratulations to Joseph Hufstedler for signing today to play baseball at Bethel University!
The GCHS Soccer team will play Austin-East at 1:30 at Richard Siegel Soccer Complex in Murfreesboro. Below is the link to the bracket and tickets. The team will leave from GCHS at 8:00 Tuesday morning. Come help send them off as they head to the State Tournament!
GCHS Volleyball tryouts have been moved to Thursday, June 10th, from 6:00 to 7:30.
GC Soccer win 5-0! Headed to State Tournament! Details to be posted when we get them. Congratulations!!!
Due to transportation difficulties, the start time of today’s Sectional soccer game at Gibson County has been pushed back to 2:30.
The next national ACT will be on Saturday, June 12. We would like to offer a FREE ACT Bootcamp June 8-11 (1PM – 3 PM) at GCHS. If you are interested in attending at least one session, please sign up using the link by May 27. This is a great opportunity for students to review over any content that will be covered on the ACT. Additionally, if students need to borrow a school-issued calculator for the ACT, students may pick one up during the tutoring sessions. Late registration deadline for the June ACT is Friday, May 21.
GCSSD Summer Feeding Program